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School: Keeping Up With School

Connections: Making and Keeping Relationships With Others

Wellness: Ways to Take Care of Yourself That Aren't Just Bubble Baths

Tough Stuff: When Other Things Feel Overwhelming

Get Support

Feeling ready to talk to someone about how you feel? That’s awesome! We have resources to help you find the person you’re looking for (whether it’s online or in-person). If you’re feeling a little awkward, we have a few tips for talking to someone to help you start the conversation.

However you feel about school – whether you’re feeling excited, anxious, or somewhere in between – your feelings are valid and you can get through this. Support is available wherever you’re at on your journey, and whenever you want to reach out.

Tags:Keywords: education, school, friends, family, worry, anxiety, fear, nervous, nervousness, resources, support, extra-curriculars, studying, coping, back to school, student

This page was last updated August 18, 2022

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