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Front page start-up guide


Additional Information for the Foundry Start-Up Guide

Here, you will find links to the tools and resources listed as “Additional Information” at the end of each section in the Foundry Start-Up Guide. These links are meant to be easily downloaded and personalized to meet your specific needs.

To get started, click on any section header to expand/collapse the list.

Need to reach the Foundry Central Office about a question or concern? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact Pamela Fennell, Project Lead, Centre Establishment, at

*Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to view four recently produced videos about Foundry

Section 01: Project Planning Overview


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices A.1 to A.3

Section 02: Leadership and Governance


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices B.1 to B.4


Section 03: Partnerships and Community Development


Under development.

Section 04: Master Operating Agreement Overview

  • D.1 – Master Operating Agreement Template (under development)


Section 05: Youth and Family Engagement


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices E.1 to E.7.


Section 06: Communications and Branding


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices F.1 to F.6.

Additional brand materials are available on Foundry’s brand refinement website.



Section 07: Capital Development


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices G.1 to G.6.


Section 08: Philanthropy and Fundraising


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices H.1 to H.13.

Additional donor materials are available on Foundry’s brand refinement website


Section 10: Knowledge Exchange and Training


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices J.1.


Section 11: Foundry Centre Operations Budget Guide


Section 12: Evaluation and Quality Improvement


Please refer to “Appendices: Supplementary materials for the Foundry Start-Up Guide” for Appendices L.1. to L.5.


Section 13: Research and Innovation

  • M.1 – Foundry Research and Innovation Strategic Plan (under development)
  • M.2 – Communicating with FCO About Your Centre’s Research Activities (under development).


Foundry Videos

Learn more about Foundry; our history, structure, expansion process and successes we have seen thus far!