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Strong and healthy relationships keep us well and are important to our health. But sometimes it can be hard to manage relationships with your family, friends or someone you are dating. In this section, you can learn about how to have healthy relationships, how to know if a relationship is not working, and what to do if you’re in a difficult situation.

Dealing with a Friendship Breakup

There’s a lot out there about breaking up with a romantic partner, but what if a friendship isn’t working out anymore? Navigating separations in any relationship is difficult - read on for our tips on how to handle friendship breakups.

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Active Listening

Listening is an important part of nurturing relationships with people in your life. When a person knows you’re listening, it can make them more comfortable, especially when talking about tough topics.

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Sharing intimate images or messages can be a way to show your affection for someone, but it’s important to know the risks involved. Read more to learn about the impact of sexting before sending out that flirty message.

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10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Sure You're in a Healthy Relationship

Whether you've just started seeing someone, or have been with them for a while, it's always a good idea to take some time to reflect on your relationship.

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8 Easy Tips for Venting to Friends

Because talking to someone is always a good idea.

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