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Depression Self-Check Quiz

Are you wondering: Do I have depression? This self-check quiz for depression symptoms might help.

Many people have feelings of sadness or exhaustion sometimes. When these feelings begin to impact your life and well-being, asking for support from others may be helpful. The depression quiz doesn’t provide you with a diagnosis, but it may help you learn more about depression and when to seek support.

If you are worried you might have depression, see a doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist for a diagnosis.

Please read each quiz statement and select the response that shows how much the statement applied to you.

Over the last two weeks, have you been bothered by any of the following problems?


Acknowledgment: The PHQ-8 was developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.

Reference: Kroenke, K., Strine, T. W., Spitzer, R. L., Williams, J. B., Berry, J. T., & Mokdad, A. H. (2009). The PHQ-8 as a measure of current depression in the general population. Journal of Affective disorders, 114(1-3), 163-173.

Let's get started
Over the last two weeks, how often have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Not at all
Several days
More than half of the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling down, depressed, irritable, or hopeless?
Not at all
Several days
More than half the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?
Not at all
Several days
More than half the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling tired or having little energy?
Not at all
Several days
More than half the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you had poor appetite or overeating?
Not at all
Several days
More than half of the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
Not at all
Several days
More than half of the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been having trouble concentrating on things, such as school work, reading, or watching television?
Not at all
Several days
More than half the days
Nearly every day
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual
Not at all
Several days
More than half the days
Nearly every day

Your results

Your answers suggest only a few or maybe no symptoms of depression over the past week. Sometimes our mood is low because of disappointment or loss, but most often in these situations, those feelings go away with time.

What you should know


Symptoms of depression can happen after experiencing a difficult life circumstance and often get better when the situation improves, either on its own or after you’ve taken some positive steps.

Our mood is influenced by how we think about ourselves, the future and the world around us. Also, when we are feeling down we often stop doing things we enjoy which lowers our mood even more, so getting active again helps improve mood. There are some great self-care resources, apps and tools that can guide you in shifting your thinking patterns and getting active again.

What you can do


Based on your answers, we recommend:

  1. Learning more about mood and how to prevent it from becoming a problem in your life.

  2. Check out Apps and Tools if you want to learn specific skills for managing depression and low mood.

  3. To find support in your community, online or over the phone go to the Get Support section.

Your answers suggest you’ve had some mild depression symptoms over the past week. These symptoms may be making it harder for you at school, work, or having fun with friends and family. If these symptoms are interfering with your daily life, that’s a signal to take some action to get on top of it.

What you should know


Symptoms of depression can happen after experiencing a difficult life circumstance and often get better when the situation improves, either on its own or after you’ve taken some positive steps.

Our mood is influenced by how we think about ourselves, the future and the world around us. Also, when we are feeling down we often stop doing things we enjoy which lowers our mood even more, so getting active again helps improve mood. There are some great self-care resources, apps and tools that can guide you in shifting your thinking patterns and getting active again.

What you can do


Based on your answers, we recommend:

  1. Check out Apps and Tools if you want to learn specific skills for managing depression and low mood.

  2. Learning more about mood and how to prevent it from becoming a problem in your life.

  3. To find support in your community, online or over the phone go to the Get Support section.

Your answers suggest you’ve been dealing with fairly significant depression symptoms in the past week. It sounds like things are tough for you at the moment. At this level, depressed mood may be interfering with your ability to function at school or work. It may also be affecting your relationships with family and friends. Self-care strategies and seeking support from others can help improve these symptoms and get you back to your usual self.

What you should know


Symptoms of depression can happen after experiencing a difficult life circumstance and often get better when the situation improves, either on its own or after you’ve taken some positive steps.

Our mood is influenced by how we think about ourselves, the future and the world around us. Also, when we are feeling down we often stop doing things we enjoy which lowers our mood even more, so getting active again helps improve mood. There are some great self-care resources, apps and tools that can guide you in shifting your thinking patterns and getting active again.

What you can do


Based on your answers, we recommend:

  1. To find support in your community, online or over the phone go to the Get Support section.

  2. Check out Apps and Tools if you want to learn specific skills for managing depression and low mood.

  3. Learning more about mood and how to prevent it from becoming a problem in your life.

Your answers suggest you have experienced many different depression symptoms over the past week and they may be fairly intense. It sounds like things are tough for you at the moment. At this level, depressed mood may be interfering with your ability to function at school or work. It may also be affecting your relationships with family and friends. These are signs that you likely benefit from reaching out for some support. In addition to receiving support, there are self-care resources, apps and tools that can help manage this level of depressed mood.

What you should know


Symptoms of depression can happen after experiencing a difficult life circumstance and often get better when the situation improves, either on its own or after you’ve taken some positive steps.

Our mood is influenced by how we think about ourselves, the future and the world around us. Also, when we are feeling down we often stop doing things we enjoy which lowers our mood even more, so getting active again helps improve mood. There are some great self-care resources, apps and tools that can guide you in shifting your thinking patterns and getting active again.

What you can do


Based on your answers, we recommend:

  1. To find support in your community, online or over the phone go to the Get Support section.

  2. Check out Apps and Tools if you want to learn specific skills for managing depression and low mood.

  3. Learning more about mood and how to prevent it from becoming a problem in your life.