“You’ve helped me feel more confident in the job application process and overall, feeling more prepared for the future jobs.” – Work & Education Program client

What is the Work & Education Program? 

Foundry Work & Education is a free supported employment and education program if you are interested in working, going to school, or completing a training program. Foundry Work & Education helps you build the skills and experiences you need to achieve your goals. 

Who can join the program?

  • Any BC youth between the ages of 15-24 who is experiencing multiple barriers to work, school, or training. 
  • Is interested in working, going to school, or starting a training program. 
  • Is legally entitled to work in BC. 

How do I get started?

You can access the program in-person through 18 local Foundry centres or online through our provincial virtual services. If you visit a centre in-person, you still have the option of accessing the program virtually. For more information, see our FAQ below.

Ready to get started?

What Support Services are offered?

  • One-on-one employment counselling to explore interests and existing challenges
  • Direct support with resumes, cover letters, and application processes
  • Financial resources and/or support
  • Navigating possible pathways for post-secondary education or certification programs
  • Assistance connecting with other health care professionals
  • Job, school or program support

How much do Foundry Work & Education services cost? 

  • Accessing Foundry Work & Education is free of charge, along with all other Foundry services 

What can I expect when working with Foundry Work & Education service providers?   


It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re accessing a service for the first time. At Foundry Work & Education, we focus on meeting you where you are at by offering:

  • Individualized, person-centred care   
  • Compassionate, non-judgmental support   
  • New and creative ways to job search or explore educational opportunities
  • Support from employment specialists who have knowledge and training in co-existing mental health concerns
  • Help from an employment specialist to create an education, volunteer or employment plan based on your interests 

Can I access the Foundry Work & Education program virtually?


The great thing about Foundry Work & Education is that you can access the program virtually or in-person, depending on your comfort level. If you are located in a community with a Foundry centre, reach out to your local centre and they can support you through virtual or in-person meetings depending on your preferred mode of access.

Or, if you do not have a Foundry centre in your community, Foundry Work & Education has a provincial virtual services team to support you!

Am I required to access the program in-person at a local centre?


Foundry Work & Education can be accessed in-person at a local Foundry centre in your community (click here to see a list of available centres), but it’s not required. If you visit a centre in-person, you still have the option of accessing the program virtually.  

What makes the Foundry Work & Education program unique? 


In addition to help with employment and education, you will be able to connect to other Foundry services (peer support, counselling, etc) to ensure you feel supported in all areas of your life.  

You may be able to access money to help cover some of the costs related to your goals. 

In terms of time commitment, you can continue the program for as long or as little as you like, based on your unique needs.

I am a service provider, and want to share this information with youth. Do you have info sheets I can send over? 


Yes, promotional materials are available for service providers, which contain information about Foundry Work & Education. Click to download: one-pager, rack card. 

For more information or support with promotional materials, please contact Chrisanne Remedios.

Provincial Workshop Series Recordings

Missed a live workshop session? We’ve got you covered!

Click on the links below to access previous workshop sessions and email us at FWEP@foundrybc.ca if you have any questions.

*Available to youth 12-24. Do not have to be enrolled in the Work & Education Program to access

Updates & Opportuntities