On December 8th, BC Public Services named Foundry BC as the recipient of the 2021 Premier’s Award for Innovation, which recognizes groups, teams or organizations in the BC Public Service who have developed and transformed new ideas into tangible initiatives, programs or projects. 

Now, more than ever, we know that young people are in need of support.  

Since the launch of A Pathway to Hope in 2019 by the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to ensure better access to mental health and substance use for people in BC, more than 12,000 youth accessed Foundry services in more than 90,000 visits. We are thankful Foundry was nominated for this award by our partners in government, and excited to share this acknowledgement with everyone in our network. 

“Foundry is a really great example of innovation in the public service because… it’s a model built for youth by youth,” says Nick Grant, Assistant Deputy Minister.   

Foundry BC is incredibly honoured to be part of this annual celebration which highlights the finest examples of innovation and excellence in the BC Public Service. Thank you to all Foundry centres and networks across the province who are instrumental in this achievement, as we continue our mission in reaching younger people early and address smaller problems before they become bigger ones. 

To learn more, watch the video below. 

Visit foundrybc.ca or Foundry Virtual BC to learn more about our services. 



BC Public Service, Foundry BC, Foundry Virtual BC, 2021 Premier’s Award for Innovation, Award, Mental Health, Public Service, Youth, Youth Services, British Columbia, Support, Youth Support, Support Services, Provincial Services, BC, Nick Grant, Dr. Steve Mathias, Peer Support, Counselling, Caregivers, Parents, Innovation, Substance Use, A Pathway to Hope, Ministry of Mental Heath and Addictions, Michael Smith Health Research BC, Providence Health Care, St. Paul’s Foundation