Foundry’s current website was developed in 2016. Since then, Foundry has expanded to include virtual services, as well as the number of Foundry centres across BC (a total of 35 over the next few years).

With this ongoing growth and change in recent years, Foundry identified a need to invest resources into redeveloping the current website. The goal of this year-long project is to redevelop our website and ensure that it serves as a more efficient and user-friendly platform, where youth and families/caregivers can access resources and tools to support their health and wellbeing, including accessing Foundry’s five core services both in-person or virtually.

Currently, Foundry is working with Be the Change Group, an agency to support the redevelopment of the website.

We want your input!

Foundry wants to hear from you – whether you are familiar with Foundry, have accessed/have not accessed services, or have not heard about Foundry. 

We are looking to hear specifically from the following audiences:

  • If you are a young person aged 12-24
  • If you are a family/caregiver and/or support a young person in your life
  • If you are an external partner to Foundry (e.g. service provider, health systems organization, youth serving organization, school/school professional, government partner and more)

We are circulating a public survey to get your additional insights and perspectives on how you access health and wellness information, as well as understand your experience navigating the website (note: if you haven’t accessed before, that’s okay – we still want to hear from you). The survey will take roughly 10-15 minutes to complete.



As a thank-you, after completing the survey, you can provide your email address in a separate prize survey to be entered into a draw to win a $100 gift card of your choice through EverythingCard.

Please note: The survey questions were developed by Be the Change Group, a population health consulting firm that Foundry is working with to redevelop the website. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected. The survey data will belong to Be the Change Group, and will not be sold or shared with anyone outside of these organizations.


If you’re a youth supporting organization, we would appreciate you helping us promote: