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For Families & Caregivers

When young people face challenges it can be hard to know the best way to support them. Foundry empowers families, caregivers, siblings and other loved ones to find the right care and support for young people. In this section, you will find information to assist you in understanding mental health and wellness in young people, identifying signs of mental health difficulties, tips for conversations with your youth or young adult and where to find additional resources and support.


Meet the Y-PRIME youth study team

bringing together youth from Canada and Vietnam to support cross-cultural youth mental health efforts


Meet Sarah

a Research Coordinator with Foundry Vancouver-Granville building capacity for community-led research


Meet Kirsten

a Foundry Researcher engaging communities to better support youth who use substances


Meet Anurada

a Youth Research Assistant working with Foundry Research


Meet Alisha

a Youth Advisor moving forward research about youth and climate change