Info & Resources
addIf you are wanting to learn more, you can find topic-specific information, articles, tips, resources and stories from other young people.
Sexual and Gender Orientation
addThe difference between sex, sexuality and gender can be confusing. You are valid no matter how you identify and no matter what pronouns you prefer. If you’re feeling iffy about your sexual or gender orientation, you aren’t alone. Check our some resources for more information on your sexual and/or gender identity.
addStrong and healthy relationships keep us well and are important to our health. But sometimes it can be hard to manage relationships with your family, friends or someone you are dating. Check out these resources to learn about how to have healthy relationships, and what to do if you’re under peer pressure, and reflecting on possible social anxiety.
addEveryone feels anxious at times, but too much anxiety can get in the way of daily life. Anxiety can become a problem when it doesn’t go away, gets worse or makes it hard for you to do the things you want to do. Think you might be feeling more anxious? You can learn more about anxiety and take a self-check to see if you might need a little more support.