Comox Valley

Foundry Comox Valley offers young people 12-24 access to mental health and substance use support, primary care, peer support and social services.


person Foundry Comox Valley location_on 575 10th Street,
Courtenay, BC
V9N 1P9
Directions directions
phone 250-338-7341 email

Centre Hours

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30am - 12pm | 1pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am - 12pm | 1pm - 6:00pm

Drop In Counselling Schedule

Monday 9am - 12pm | 1pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday/Thursday 1pm - 6pm
Wednesday 1pm - 4:30pm
Friday No drop-in

Drop In Physician Schedule

Monday/Wednesday 1pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday/Thursday 1pm - 5:30pm
Note: Last patient seen 30 minutes before closing
Confidential Fax: 250-338-6568

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional, unceded territory of the Pentlatch, Eiksan, and K’ómoks First Nations peoples whose relationships with the land continue to this day.

Who We Are

Hosted by The John Howard Society of North Island, Foundry Comox Valley unites multiple partner organizations to address the health and wellness needs of young people aged 12 to 24 and their families who live the Comox Valley area.
  • Island Health
  • Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Division of Family Practice
  • Primary Care Network
  • Children and Youth Matter Comox Valley
  • Upper Island Women of Native Ancestry
  • School District #71
  • Comox Valley Retired Teachers Association
  • Wachiay Friendship Centre
  • Creative Employment Access Society

Foundry Comox Valley, Foundry, Comox Valley

“Having a Foundry centre here means that I’ll see a lot more independence possible for peers and friends my age. Foundry in itself is wonderful for allowing youth to take the lead on their own well-being, and having a centre in the Comox Valley will make doing so that much more accessible. It’s a massive step forward.”

- Cam Hautcœur-Boyer, youth ambassador, Foundry Comox Valley

"Comox Valley Foundry will be an integral part of our community in supporting our youth. Any youth who is seeking help can go, no questions asked, and no referral necessarily. This is exactly what our province and the Comox Valley needs."

- Comox Valley Parent

“Youth in the Comox Valley and surrounding areas deserve appropriate mental-health and substance-use supports. Now they can walk into Foundry Comox Valley, where they will be met with friendly and helpful staff, who will get them supports fast.”

- Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA for Comox Valley

Foundry Comox Valley Available Services

Mental Health & Substance use Services

Our counsellors are available during drop-in hours to assist young people with their concerns. Counselling may lead to a referral for specialized service if the young person feels this would benefit them.

Primary Care (Physical Health)

Our team of family doctors and nurses, specializing in youth health, will provide service on a drop-in and/or appointment basis.

Peer support

Peer support workers with lived experience provide young people with help and support. They can help young people on their path to wellness.

Elders/cultural support

Health care

Sexual health

Youth outreach

Youth to Adult Transition

Housing support

Employment support

Youth and family conflict resolution

Aboriginal youth navigator

Wellness groups

Free groups and courses

Specialized services

Foundry Comox Valley, Foundry, Comox Valley

Get Involved

  • Like us on Facebook @foundrycomoxvalley
  • Tell your family and friends about Foundry Comox Valley
  • For youth or parent involvement opportunities, contact


Foundry Comox Valley is bringing together partner organizations to address the health and wellness needs of young people aged 12 to 24 and their families.

Make a difference for youth by donating to the centre today.

Resources for Young People