Sex Sense

Sex Sense is a free and confidential sexual health resource and referral service available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (PST) at 1-800-739-7367 (throughout BC) or 604-731-7803 (Lower Mainland). You can also submit your questions via an email.
You can also locate a sexual health clinic here (Opt Clinic Finder) and here (Smart Sex Resource).

Kids Help Phone


Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) has toll-free, 24-hour phone, online chat, counselling and referral service for young people. You can also connect by texting CONNECT to 686868, you can chat confidentially with a trained, volunteer Crisis Responder for support with any issue, if you would like to stop the conversation text STOP. 

Phone (24/7) and online chat (24/7) allows you to connect whenever and however you want. It’s safe, private and non-judgmental.

Read more about what to expect when connecting with Kids Help Phone.