Anyone can experience violence and abuse. Some kinds like hitting, choking or using weapons are easy to recognize as violence. But there are other ways people can be abusive that might not be so obvious. You may experience violence and abuse in a dating or romantic relationship, from an acquaintance or stranger, or from a parent or caregiver.
Different Types of Violence and Abuse
Some types of violence and abuse are:
- Physical violence
- Emotional/psychological abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Digital abuse
- Spiritual abuse
- Financial abuse
Here are examples of each type:

If you experience any of these behaviours, know that it is not your fault and it is not okay.
Why People Abuse
Sometimes people are abusive or violent because they want to control others or feel more powerful. Some are more likely to be abusive when they drink alcohol or take other substances. Some might be victims of abuse themselves. But none of these reasons is an excuse to act in these ways.
Someone who is abusive might apologize and promise to stop. They may try to convince you to stay and say you have nowhere else to go. They may threaten to harm themselves if you leave. The most important thing to know is that it isn’t your fault. You do not deserve any abuse! If you feel comfortable, tell someone you trust who can help make you feel safe and find support.
If you are being abused at home, it’s important to create a safety plan. This will help you think through where you can go, who you can call, and what you will need if you ever need to leave your home in a hurry.
Violence and abuse can take place in different types of relationships. Read more to learn about different abusive situations and where you can get help.