*This information is available in English, FrenchPunjabiSimplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Maybe you’ve been browsing social media constantly or watching your favourite streaming service all day. Or maybe you’ve been drinking or using another substance*, either by yourself or with friends. Sometimes it feels great, but maybe sometimes it doesn’t, and you’re wondering what that means. Or maybe you don’t feel okay and you don’t know what to do.  

*A substance can be something that affects how you function. Most people around the world use a substance every day. Substances aren’t just drugs like cocaine (coke), opioids (like oxy/oxycodone, lean/codeine, heroin and fent/fentanyl), methamphetamine (meth) and MDMA (ecstasy/molly). Cannabis (pot), alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, vape products and prescription drugs (like xanny/Xanax® and benzos/benzodiazepines) are also substances.

Every person is unique. What works for one person might be harmful to another. Even if your friends or family say something is fine, it’s okay if you aren’t sure. 

If you have any concerns or questions about your behaviours, it’s good to reach out. You don’t need to be in crisis or have a medical diagnosis (like an addiction or disorder) to get information and support. Connecting with a place like Foundry is one option! 



Foundry offers health and wellness resources, services and support for young people ages 12-24 in British Columbia. Young people can walk into a local Foundry centre, explore online tools and resources at foundrybc.ca/get-support/ or connect virtually through the Foundry BC app. Some of the services offered through the app are available in English and languages other than English. If you’re younger than 12 or older than 24, there are still resources for you on the website! 




Keywords: Foundry, the Foundry Foundry BC, foundry counselling, youth mental health, translated mental health services,  kids mental health, free counselling, youth support, teenager mental health support, youth programs, mental health and addictions